
New Moon Zendo was founded in 1991 by Ridgewood Unitarian Society members Bernard and Marcia Spitz, who at that time were students of Eido Shimano Roshi, a Japanese Roshi (zen master) who came to the United States in 1962. Retiring from leading the zendo in the early 2000’s, they passed that responsibility on to Carl Viggiani, also a former student of Eido Roshi. At that time, all three were continuing their zen study with Robert Kennedy Roshi of Morningstar Zendo in Jersey City, New Jersey.

For many years, the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood has made the beautiful Fellowship Room available to New Moon Zendo for the practice of zen meditation. Since then, many people have come to sit with us — we express our gratitude to them, and to the Unitarian Society for making it possible.